Happiness Week – Doggy Demonstration

Dahl Centennial Union, Williams Lounge, 1st floor

In the spirit of Happiness Week, come see Quasar and friends from the Good Dog Center perform various feats of […]

Grad Finale: Prepare for Graduation 2024!

Dahl Centennial Union, Williams Lounge, 1st floor

Grad Finale will take place April 17 and 18.  All seniors should plan to attend as we help you prepare […]

Grad Finale: Prepare for Graduation 2024!

Dahl Centennial Union, Williams Lounge, 1st floor

Grad Finale will take place April 17 and 18.  All seniors should plan to attend as we help you prepare […]

Hostile Terrain 94 Pop-Up

Dahl Centennial Union, Williams Lounge, 1st floor

Stop by the Union to see a pop-up of the continued Hostile Terrain 94 exhibit. Luther community members may remember […]