
Alpha Phi Omega offers many of the same social benefits of any fraternity or sorority along with offering many benefits no other group can match. Alpha Phi Omega is the only National service fraternity on campus along with being the largest collegiate fraternity in the United States. The fraternity can add much to the typical college life of academics, by broadening your activities and social life. Alpha Phi Omega provides the opportunity for leadership, friendship, and service during your college life. APO provides you with a second family to face your future endeavors.

How to Join

  1. Contact the Luther APO chapter’s pledge trainers.
  2. Watch for signs around campus for informational meetings and pledging opportunities.
APO members eating dinner together.

APO members eating dinner together.

APO members together for a recital.

APO members together for a recital.

Contact Information

Pledge Trainers

Blayre Wisneski

Allison Marasco