Electric Vehicle Kick-the-Tires Event

Parking stalls east of the CFL (between CFL and Valders)

A variety of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles will be on display, and their owners will be present to […]

Upper Iowa Dam Mitigation Open House

Baker Commons

Public Invited to Provide Input on Upper and Lower Dam Mitigation The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is exploring options […]

Canoeing/Kayaking Trip

Explore Decorah from a new lens while paddling on The Upper Iowa River! Both canoes and kayaks are available. This […]

Hiking Trip with CSC

Get out and explore both Luther and Decorah's beautiful hiking trails! Reach out to sustainability@luther.edu with questions. Learn more and […]

CANCELED: CAE Event: Walk it Off

Meet at Preus Library

Students can relieve their stress by walking a trail and enjoying the beauty of the nature that surrounds Luther College.

Canoeing/Kayaking Trip

Explore Decorah from a new lens while paddling on The Upper Iowa River! Both canoes and kayaks are available. This […]

Contra Dance

Outside, between the Union and CFL

Join us for a night of live folk music and large group line dancing where you are guaranteed to meet […]

Student Plant Giveaway

Next to Valders Greenhouse

Student Plant Giveaway is on Friday, Sept. 29! Limit is one plant, and students must be present to get a […]