Hostile Terrain 94 Pop-Up

Dahl Centennial Union, Williams Lounge, 1st floor

Stop by the Union to see a pop-up of the continued Hostile Terrain 94 exhibit. Luther community members may remember […]

Concert Band Homecoming Concert

Center for Faith and Life, Main Hall

Concert Band Homecoming Concert will take place in the Center for Faith and Life main hall at 7:30 p.m.. Watch […]

Softball vs Cornell College (Doubleheader)

Luther College Softball Field

Luther Softball hosts Cornell College. Spring schedules are subject to change due to weather. Please check for up-to-date information.

ISAA Fashion Show in Collaboration with ASAA

Center for Faith and Life, Main Hall

The International Student Association and Allies (ISAA) in collaboration with the Asian Students and Allies Association (ASAA) host their annual […]