Film showing: “Gothic”

Olin 102

Living in an estate on the shores of Lake Geneva, Lord Byron is visited by Percy and Mary Shelley. Together […]

Homecoming Chapel

Center for Faith and Life, Main Hall

Chapel programming is held each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning from 10:30-10:50 a.m. in the CFL. A variety of speakers […]

Luther Celebrates a Night on the Town

Downtown Decorah

As part of the Homecoming celebration, live entertainment by Luther students and Alumni can be found at these locations in […]

Jazz Night in Marty’s

Dahl Centennial Union, Marty's

Join the Jazz Orchestra and Jazz Band in Marty's for a night of fun! Hosted by the Student Activities Council, […]

Homecoming Parade

Line Water Street this Saturday to celebrate Luther College! Support Luther clubs, athletics, and Residence Life as they smile and […]

50th Anniversary Hoslett Memorial Lecture

Valders Hall of Science, 206

Sleight of Wing:  How Shorebirds Thwart Their Enemies – Tex A. Sordahl ’73, Luther College professor emeritus of biology

Foraging Trip

Join Elsa and Conor from Wilders Way in learning all about edible plants that grow in Luther’s natural areas. Classes […]

Sciences Reception

Sampson Hoffland Laboratories Atrium

Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Studies, Physics, and Psychology