Book Shop 85th Birthday Party

Dahl Centennial Union, Book Shop

The Book Shop is 85 years old this April! Join us in-store on Friday, April 21st for a party to […]

Chapel- Earth Day Bass Quintet Feature

Center for Faith and Life, Main Hall

Chapel programming is held each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning from 10:30-10:50 a.m. in the CFL. A variety of speakers […]

Loteria Night

Dahl Centennial Union, Williams Lounge, 1st floor

Join Latines Unides as we play, Loteria! Loteria is a traditional game played in Mexico similar to Bingo. We hope […]

Orchesis Showcase

Center for the Arts, 121 (CFA Studio 1)

The student organization, Orchesis Dance Group, will be perform its 2023 showcase. This showcase will contain all student-choreographed dances in […]

Machinal Performance

Center for the Arts, Jewel Theatre

Machinal, by Sophie Treadwell, is the story of a woman battling the consequences of decisions she felt powerless to overturn […]