Contact Information

Nathan Ersig ’98
Senior Development Officer and Director of Development Systems and Strategy

Phone: 563-387-1510

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Black Alumni Association Scholarship

As of 12/31/2022, over $170,000 in commitments have been made to the Black Alumni Association Scholarship. It is now fully endowed, and supported two students in 2021-22 and three students in 2022-23.

Make a Gift to the Scholarship Today!

The Black Alumni Association Scholarship was established this summer in memory of slain African Americans who fell victim to racist violence in America.

“Emmett Till, George Stinney, Jr., George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin, Ahmaud Arbery, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, Philando Castile, Elijah McClain and other unknown victims of racism. These are only a few of the names of African American males and females, some of whom were still in their teens, murdered within the context of racism and injustice,” said Perran Wetzel IV ’79 and Loretta Dooley Wetzel ’80, co-presidents of the Luther College Black Alumni Association. “As supporters of Luther College and the liberal arts education it offers, it is time for us to take a stand for Black lives.

The Black Alumni Association Scholarship will be awarded annually, beginning Fall 2021, to African American students who are in need of financial assistance, with preference given to those who are active in community engagement.

This endowment was established by Perran Wetzel IV ’79 and Loretta Dooley Wetzel ’80, co-presidents of the Black Alumni Association, and Willie ’84 and Denise Davismckennie ’82, co-presidents of the Alumni Council, along with Sherry (Braun) Alcock ’82, Barbara Fuller ’72, Rufus ’74 and Debra (Hopson) Glasper ’73, Douglas ’82 and Shelly Kintzinger, J. Robert ’78 and Barbara Paulson, Corey ’98 and Tonya (Schwers) Schmidt ’97, Arne ’80 and Ruth Sorenson, Jenifer K. Ward, James ’82 and Constance Whitesell, and through gifts from regents, alumni, faculty, staff, and friends of Luther College.

“We recognize that providing this scholarship is a concrete step that Luther College can take to make it possible for all students of high academic promise to study and thrive here,” said President Jenifer K. Ward. “I am grateful for the leadership of the Black Alumni Association and for the generosity of regents and friends of Luther in recognizing this opportunity to welcome and support Black students as they pursue their studies and have an impact on this great college.”

We must continue to expand our ways of thinking and replace self-serving concepts of truth and justice to fulfill a promise our country was founded upon over 200 years ago and never met—that all are created equal.

Perran Wetzel IV '79 and Loretta Dooley Wetzel '80
Co-Presidents of the Black Alumni Association

Contact Information

Nathan Ersig ’98
Senior Development Officer and Director of Development Systems and Strategy

Phone: 563-387-1510

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