Inside College Admissions

We work with thousands of students each year as they go through the college search process. We know it can be a stressful time, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Luther’s Inside College Admissions blog covers many topics. Campus visits, applying for college, getting financial aid, and preparing to arrive at college—to name a few. Browse for tips, ideas, and reassurance. We’re here to help!

student studies in Farwell Hall study lounge

You’ve never lived in a residential hall before. That’s why it’s important to know what to expect, how to prepare, and find the best ways to get off to a good start with your roommate and hall mates. Here are some tips to help you navigate the process.

June 25, 2019
people sit at meeting table

Developing good note-taking skills is essential for succeeding in college. Read some tips on how to take good notes to help you master your college academics.

June 11, 2019
person reads a book

Discover some strategic reading practices that can help you learn and make the most efficient use of your time in college.

May 29, 2019
student studies in Baker Village home

We asked three Luther students (Anna, Connor, and Katie) who’ll be graduating this spring for their best tips and suggestions if they had to do college all over again. Check out what they had to say.

May 10, 2019
Luther Women's tennis team

In this final post about being a student athlete, Luther tennis coaches Miriam Skrade and Adam Strand reflect on their collegiate athletic careers and the lasting impact it has had on their lives.

May 7, 2019
Luther Women's team thanks fans after a game

In last week’s post, you read about the advantages of being a college athlete and how it can help your future career. In this post, you’ll learn about what’s involved in being a student-athlete.

May 1, 2019
Luther Women's basketball team

Have you considered being involved in athletics at the college level? Learn how being a student-athlete can help influence your future career opportunities.

April 23, 2019
student Madeleine Flom-Staab '20 photo

Read a current student’s experience with her work-study positions and how it may help her in her future career.

April 16, 2019
person writes notes at meeting

Have you started thinking about how you’ll manage your college coursework? If so, here are some helpful hints that can help you feel confident, stay ahead, and find academic success!

April 10, 2019
night sky filled with stars

Read a current student’s experience with college culture shock and discover how she overcame her apprehensions and learned to appreciate everything around her.

April 3, 2019