Inside College Admissions

We work with thousands of students each year as they go through the college search process. We know it can be a stressful time, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Luther’s Inside College Admissions blog covers many topics. Campus visits, applying for college, getting financial aid, and preparing to arrive at college—to name a few. Browse for tips, ideas, and reassurance. We’re here to help!

person studies as it snows outside of their window

Learn about some valuable tips from Resident Assistants (RAs) on living in a residence hall. Get advice on things like decorating your room, communicating with your roommate, and realistic expectations about college life.

January 15, 2019
black and white photo of alarm clock

You can always find something fun to do at college, just don’t let it interfere with getting good sleep. Here are some tips on how to maintain a sleep schedule that can help keep you productive, healthy, and have energy and time for fun!

January 7, 2019
students study at desktop

Attending class, managing courses, living with a roommate, and maintaining good health are all important aspects of college life that will need your time and attention. Learn about some valuable suggestions on how to make it all manageable.

January 3, 2019
drawing of a brain and heart balanced on a scale

When you’re just starting college, there’s a lot to think about and sometimes it can feel overwhelming. Get some tips on how you can maintain good mental health from a student outreach assistant at Luther’s Counseling Service.

December 17, 2018
students walk in a snow-filled Cascade Mountain range located in Holden Village, WA

It’s exciting to think about the potential opportunities that exist for studying away when you’re in college. If you’re wondering where to start with your planning, read this article to learn how to get the most out of your experience.

December 6, 2018
students chat in their dorm as one holds a guitar

There’s a lot of excitement generated around going to college. There’s also the reality that it will be the first time you’ve been away from home for a longer period of time. Read this article for some tips on how to overcome getting homesick.

December 3, 2018
line of four people linking each other together in unity

What is the definition of an inclusive college campus? Learn what to expect and find out what your role is in campus equity and inclusion.

November 28, 2018
Luther College Book Shop offering wide variety of books

A campus bookstore plays several key roles in college students’ day-to-day life. Learn why it will become a valuable resource to you.

November 20, 2018
person wearing white lab coat and stethoscope

There are so many things to think about as you’re about to enter college. But have you considered what would be involved if you got sick while being away from home for the first time in your life? Check out these tips to get prepared.

November 12, 2018
various student organization and club members stand in front of the Luther bell

It seems that academics will dominate most of your time and energy when you’re in college. Is it worth it to consider joining a club or organization? Read this article to learn more.

November 5, 2018