Jen Gipp

Portrait of Jen Gipp

A Well-Rounded Luther Experience

Jen Gipp ’04 enjoyed her time at Luther and it “enriched her life.” She found balance in her biology and French studies.

Studying French provided the perfect balance to my science classes and my French professors taught me about discipline, culture, and conversational skills that I continue to rely on to this day.

Jen Gipp '04
Her Path to Optometry

After graduating, Jen attended Indiana University School of Optometry and completed a residency at the VA St. Louis Medical Center. “After my residency, I accepted a position with Gundersen Health System and now work as an optometrist at the Gundersen Eye Clinic in Decorah,” she says. “I also recently completed an MBA in healthcare administration and serve as the director of optometry residency and externship programs.”

Work Study Experiences Prove Valuable

As an undergrad, Jen worked with Luther’s Photo Bureau. “I appreciated that it gave me the chance to hone my photography skills,” she says. “I also worked in catering and served as a resident assistant. Being an R.A. helped me meet people and provided me with leadership training that has served me well during my career.”

Studying a Language Makes an Impact

In addition to being a biology major, Jen took French classes so she could learn about a new culture, expand her language skills, and travel abroad to France during January Term. “Studying French provided the perfect balance to my science classes and my French professors taught me about discipline, culture, and conversational skills that I continue to rely on to this day,” she says.

Luther Makes Lasting Impression

Jen appreciates that Luther helped her establish lifelong friendships and gave her the chance to meet her husband. “I also learned the necessary skills I needed to get through the intense schedule of graduate school,” she says. “Beyond that, Luther exposed me to music, arts, and culture that serve as incredible sources of inspiration and enrich my life in many ways.”