
light reflection resembling rainbow appear on persons hands

Luther College PRIDE

People for the Rights and Inclusion of Diversity and Expression

PRIDE’s Purpose:

  • PRIDE promotes principles concerning the fair and just treatment of persons in society regardless of sexual/romantic orientation, sex, gender identity, and gender expression.
  • PRIDE provides a network of support and safe space for LGBTQIA+ persons on campus and in the local community.
  • PRIDE encourages political change at local, state, regional, national, and international levels for the purpose of creating a more fair and just world.

PRIDE Constitution

To learn more about PRIDE meetings and events at Luther, email

College LGBTQIA+ Resources

“PRIDE serves a dual purpose as both a support system for fellow students by providing peer support and other connections, and a source of weekly learning, leadership and activism opportunities.”
— Charles Banta, previous PRIDE President (2011-2013)

“Every student at Luther should feel comfortable and as if they are welcomed here. PRIDE aims to make sure this is true for LGBTQ students while also welcoming allies. Through activities, films, educational meetings and discussions about issues in the LGBTQ community, as well as the annual Midwest Bisexual Lesbian Gay Transgender Ally College Conference, we help to make the Luther campus more inclusive and welcoming to LGBTQ students and allies.”
— Marley Crossland, PRIDE President

“PRIDE provides a safe space for LGBTQ students to express their concerns, tell their stories, and work towards making Luther a more accepting and aware community. Through activities and meetings, PRIDE members gain a new perspective that fosters acceptance and education.”
— Sarah Nolte, PRIDE Secretary

“Reasons to be in PRIDE: Be proud of who you are. Be in a free discussion environment without any judgement. You can make a change of the social condition at Luther.”
— Ruonan Zheng, PRIDE Member

Student Activities

Erik Matth
Interim Director of Student Activities
Dahl Centennial Union 106A

Phone: 563-387-1613