Mike Garcia

Mike Garcia portrait
Associate Professor of English
Director of the Nancy Barry Writing Center

Office: Main 503

Phone: 563-387-2207

Email: mikegarcia@luther.edu


Education: PhD, English, 2010, University of New Hampshire. Dissertation: “Politics and Ethics of Student Self-Assessment in the Composition Classroom”; MA, English, 2004, Washington State University; BA, English, 2001, Western Oregon University

Mike Garcia is the Writing Director at Luther College. He supervises tutors in the Writing Center, leads Paideia staff workshops on the teaching of writing, and consults with faculty across campus as they develop writing assignments. He has several years of experience administering first-year composition and Writing Across the Curriculum programs at state universities, but Luther presents a very different (and exciting) opportunity.

Mike’s scholarly interests are rooted in teaching. He’s primarily an expert in the grading and assessment of writing. His dissertation focused on student self-assessment, and he continues to explore that topic through classroom-based research. He’s interested in how students negotiate their personal identities and goals within (and sometimes despite) the expectations placed on them by their educational environments. He’s also done work in Literacy Studies, Writing in Digital Environments, Contemporary Rhetoric, Linguistics, Professional and Technical Writing, Writing for Nonprofit Agencies, Second Language Writing, and Writing Program Administration. Luther College is interested in exploring many of these areas in more depth, so you’re likely to see Mike involved in several projects across campus in the not-too-distant future.

When the weather gets warm, you’ll see Mike walking on the Decorah trails with his wife Marie, their daughter Lucy, and their Golden Retrievers Ripley and Toby.

ENG 185 Grammar Cops and Criminals
Are you a “grammar criminal”? Do you sometimes use “improper” English because you grew up with a different way of writing or speaking? Or do you sometimes violate grammar, style, or speaking rules on purpose because you prefer the effect of a different choice? If so, you might find yourself busted by a “grammar cop” (or “language cop” or “style cop”). Sometimes, these protectors of the English language get angry when new words are added to the dictionary, or they consider a person unintelligent for speaking with an accent. Sometimes they use language to include, exclude, rank and sort others into groups. Why is this? Why do some people find it important to protect standard English, and why do others choose to rebel against it? In this course, we’ll examine these questions while experimenting with standard and non-standard types of written and spoken English. In discussions, presentations, and writings, students will consider the advantages and disadvantages of choosing a “life of crime” when using the English language.

English 210 Effective Writing
A writing course for students in all disciplines. The course includes practice and instruction in writing for a variety of audiences, emphasizing revising and responding to others’ writing. Students discuss well-crafted prose essays that include effective argument and clear language and organization.

English 211 Writing for Media
A comprehensive course in news writing, reporting, and writing for media. Focus on the issues and skills central to journalism and professional writing for various media. Readings and examples from newspapers, on-line and print magazines, and electronic journalism.

English 239 Teaching Writing: Theory and Practice
This course introduces students to the composition theory that underpins effective writing instruction. Its objective is to help students understand how theories of composition, rhetoric and pedagogy inform contemporary practices in writing instruction on such topics as argument, structure, style, and grammar. The course also examines ways to work with writers who differ in ability, maturity, preparation, and language acquisition. In addition to reading composition theory and pedagogy, students will write a reflective journal.

English 314 Rhetoric: History, Theory, and Practice
A study of the origin and development of rhetoric. Readings in rhetorical theory and case studies of oral and written rhetorical discourse with an emphasis on written composition. Extensive analytical and persuasive writing.

  • PhD, English, 2010, University of New Hampshire. Dissertation: “Politics and Ethics of Student Self-Assessment in the Composition Classroom”
  • MA, English, 2004, Washington State University
  • BA, English, 2001, Western Oregon University

ENG 185 Grammar Cops and Criminals
Are you a “grammar criminal”? Do you sometimes use “improper” English because you grew up with a different way of writing or speaking? Or do you sometimes violate grammar, style, or speaking rules on purpose because you prefer the effect of a different choice? If so, you might find yourself busted by a “grammar cop” (or “language cop” or “style cop”). Sometimes, these protectors of the English language get angry when new words are added to the dictionary, or they consider a person unintelligent for speaking with an accent. Sometimes they use language to include, exclude, rank and sort others into groups. Why is this? Why do some people find it important to protect standard English, and why do others choose to rebel against it? In this course, we’ll examine these questions while experimenting with standard and non-standard types of written and spoken English. In discussions, presentations, and writings, students will consider the advantages and disadvantages of choosing a “life of crime” when using the English language.

English 210 Effective Writing
A writing course for students in all disciplines. The course includes practice and instruction in writing for a variety of audiences, emphasizing revising and responding to others’ writing. Students discuss well-crafted prose essays that include effective argument and clear language and organization.

English 211 Writing for Media
A comprehensive course in news writing, reporting, and writing for media. Focus on the issues and skills central to journalism and professional writing for various media. Readings and examples from newspapers, on-line and print magazines, and electronic journalism.

English 239 Teaching Writing: Theory and Practice
This course introduces students to the composition theory that underpins effective writing instruction. Its objective is to help students understand how theories of composition, rhetoric and pedagogy inform contemporary practices in writing instruction on such topics as argument, structure, style, and grammar. The course also examines ways to work with writers who differ in ability, maturity, preparation, and language acquisition. In addition to reading composition theory and pedagogy, students will write a reflective journal.

English 314 Rhetoric: History, Theory, and Practice
A study of the origin and development of rhetoric. Readings in rhetorical theory and case studies of oral and written rhetorical discourse with an emphasis on written composition. Extensive analytical and persuasive writing.