Update Your Information

The Alumni and Development Office maintains records for alumni, parents, families, and friends to enable classmates, friends, and groups to keep in touch with one another over the course of their lives. These connections are important.

Keep connected—Luther needs you to be engaged!

To update your information, use the links below or login to NorseCONNECT to share your updates. NorseCONNECT provides easy and quick ways to get in touch with alumni, view and update your contact information and life changes, share your news and accomplishments with the Luther community, and find information on your giving history.

Some examples of information to share are:

  • New address: Whenever you move, please share your new address so you will continue to receive alumni and college communications.
  • Professional updates: If you earn an advanced degree, change jobs, or earn a promotion, let us know. If you are an alum, we will share the news with your classmates and friends in Luther Magazine.
  • Personal updates: If you get married, have a child, adopt a child, or celebrate another personal milestone—please share your joy with us. If you are an alum, we will be sure to share the same with your Luther friends!