Academic Success Coaching

From left to right: Lydia Marti, Peer Coach '26; Sofia England, Peer Coach '26; Adam Lenehan, Assistant Director of CAE, Linnea Johnson Nordqvist, Lead Peer Coach '24; Ruthvery Mtaita , Peer Coach '27

Center for Academic Enrichment

Center for Academic Enrichment (CAE)
Luther College
700 College Drive, Preus Library, Suite 108D
Decorah, IA 52101

Phone: 563-387-1270

Academic Success Coaches (professional and peer) will guide you toward academic success through holistic and individualized support. They will help you with goal setting, academic accountability, and self-efficacy.

I need help. What do I do?

We are here to help! You will start by working with a peer Academic Success Coach who will assist you with building the academic skills that may need some bolstering. After you have met with a peer Academic Success Coach, should you need further assistance, you can request an appointment with a professional Academic Success Coach.

What is a peer Academic Success Coach?

A peer Academic Success Coach is a student cross-trained in various methods and styles to best assist you with building academic skills to help you succeed in the present and future. Whether you want to learn some new study strategies, work on your time management skills, create healthy goals, or just have an accountability buddy to help you keep on track a peer coach is here to help!

In addition, peer Academic Success coaches also assist with CAE outreach. A student may receive a phone call or email from a peer coach for various reasons from contacting them if they are struggling in a class and have received an academic alert, having a low midterm grade, or having not registered for next semester classes. These calls are to ensure that students know of all of the resources available to them.

How to Request a peer Academic Success Coach:

  1. To request a peer coach, go to and sign-up on the peer coach schedule.
  2. At your first meeting, you will discuss expectations with your peer coach. Please come prepared with questions or concepts to cover for your sessions.
  3. If you desire, you may sign up for repeat appointments during your peer coaching session. Just let your peer coach know and they will create the repeat appointment in WCOnline. Peer coaching will automatically stop at the end of each academic semester. Cancel your appointment in WCOnline if you no longer need help or withdraw from a course.
  4. To cancel your appointment, please login to WCOnline and cancel your appointment.

Center for Academic Enrichment

Center for Academic Enrichment (CAE)
Luther College
700 College Drive, Preus Library, Suite 108D
Decorah, IA 52101

Phone: 563-387-1270